Types of Fishing Rods

Types of Fishing Rods

One of the most important elements of equipment is the fishing rod. Each type is adapted to particular conditions and techniques. Some will provide a longer cast, while others will give the right level of sensitivity. By choosing the right fishing rod type, the angler will significantly increase the chance of a successful hunt for any prey.

Spinning Fishing Rods

Spinning Fishing Rods

Among all types of rods for fishing, spinning models are the most popular. According to statistics, up to 80% of anglers choose this option. There are few reasons: the simplicity of the design (suitable for both beginners and experienced), high sensitivity and the ability to use both in freshwater and seawater. Different subtypes are produced depending on the basic characteristics: length, weight and material. Which model will fit more depends on the type and size of prey and hunting conditions.

Available options:

  • Length: 5-6.5 feet (short models), 6.5-7.5 feet (medium) and 8+ feet (long). If the emphasis is on a high level of control, it is better to choose short rods, while longer rods are better if you need to make long throws;
  • Weight: 3-7 ounces (light), 5-10 ounces (medium) and 10+ ounces (heavy). The lower the weight, the higher the sensitivity but the lower the strength. Light rods are often used for hunting small fish and heavy variants for larger prey;
  • Material: fiberglass or carbon fiber. The first option is more durable and will provide greater longevity, the second will give increased sensitivity. Carbon models are more expensive.

Casting Fishing Rods

The second most common type of rod in the US (up to 30%). But they are most often chosen by professionals, as proper use requires skill and experience. Of all fishing rod categories, these models show the best power & sensitivity. This is an excellent choice when hunting for big fish. The water bodies can be both freshwater and saltwater. A set to this type of rod is often bought as inertia-free multifunctional fishing reels.

Casting Fishing Rods

A little about the technical characteristics of such gear:

  • Length: 5-6.5 feet (short), 6.5-7.5 feet (medium) and 7.5-8+ feet (long). The longer the length, the farther you can cast while maintaining a high level of control. But short models are effective if the angler will be hunting in small lakes and marshy areas with abundant vegetation;
  • Weight: ranges from 5 to 10+ ounces. Heavier models are chosen when hunting big fish (pike, salmon, and sea bass) in difficult conditions;
  • Materials: carbon fiber or glass fiber. Sometimes a combination is used.

Interested in Fishing Rods?

Explore our collection of high-quality and reliable fishing rods, designed to provide comfort and efficiency on the water.

Fly Fishing Rods

Fly Fishing Rods

This is a special type, which is bought by anglers who use fly fishing technique. That is, it is not a universal model. They use specialized lines and special fish baits and lures - flies.

What to consider:

  • Most models are long (8-12 feet), but there are also shorter versions (6-7 feet). When choosing the length, it is better to be guided by the conditions of potential hunting;
  • The weight of rods can vary greatly, a total of 12 classes are provided. This parameter is selected depending on the used bait, line and type of prey. For example, 1 class is recommended for small fish (small perch), and 8 and 9 for large tuna;
  • Another important characteristic is speed. Fast action models will provide a long throw, and slow action models will show good results when fishing at shallow depths.

Trolling Fishing Rods

Another specialized type for catching prey from a moving boat (trolling technique). These models are highly durable and long (short ones up to 8 feet are often used in freshwater, and 10-12 feet in saltwater). This type is preferred by anglers who hunt for large trophies, such as marlin. Specialized subtypes are produced, with which you can use certain baits.

Trolling Fishing Rods

All models have high power, making it easy to catch even large fish with them. But at the same time, the fast rods have the best performance. Slow rods work well with small fish.

Surf Fishing Rods

Surf Fishing Rods

This type is designed for hunting from the shore. It can give both rivers and lakes, as well as the coastal sea zone. Such models provide smooth running, and thanks to the design, the fishing line is rarely tangled. Their main features: are the ability to make a long throw & good resistance to waves, currents and strong wind. Accuracy and sensitivity vary depending on the material and length (up to 14 feet). The design is such that these models exhibit high power and stiffness. Therefore suitable for large prey.

Overhead Fishing Rods

These models got their name because of the mounting of the reel. They are attached from the top. Casting/trolling models are suitable. Thanks to this feature, the angler gets more control over the line. Their power is also high. In addition, there are special braking systems that will help to pull out without problems even a strong fish. So if your goal is large prey, then this is a good choice.

To use these models, you need skills, because you need to use a special technique overhead cast. But if you master it, you can effectively catch both from shore and boat such large fish species as tuna, shark or sailfish.

Overhead Fishing Rods
Telescopic Fishing Rods

Telescopic Fishing Rods

If ease of carrying and portability are important, you should pay attention to this type of fishing rods. Their design consists of several segments. They can be easily folded, making them easy to carry and store. They are versatile in fishing styles, as the characteristics can vary considerably: weight, length, and power. They are often used for angling from the shore of lakes/rivers, but they are also suitable for fishing from boats. 

These models do not require special skills of use. So they will be suitable for beginners. Prices also vary greatly, the key role is played by the material used.

Ice Fishing Rods

If you are going to fish in winter on icy waters, then of all kinds of fishing rods, this one will suit you best. Features of their design: short length (24-36 inches), low/medium power and increased sensitivity. The latter factor is especially important since in the cold season the fish is less active. Models are lightweight, yet durable, and can easily withstand low temperatures and difficult weather conditions. Suitable for catching both deep-sea fish and those who swim closer to the surface. These models can be supplemented with specialized fishing tools and accessories to make winter angling easier.

Ice Fishing Rods
Jigging Rod

Jigging Rods

This is another type of specific, rather than universal, fishing rod. It is specially designed for jigging techniques. Its main feature is hypersensitivity. The line is fast or very fast, allowing for accurate casts with this rod, and anglers will easily be able to hook the prey. These models range from 6 to 8 feet in length. Short rods are often used for angling from boats. Long models are more suitable for fishing from the shore, as they provide a longer cast.

There are two subtypes:

  • Fast jigging rod. These are hard and fast models that are effective in deep water and strong currents. They work well with heavy lures;
  • Slow-pitch jigging rod. This model is also used for jigging, but here the bait moves smoothly instead of jerking. They are often used in calm water or when the current is low. The depth is usually shallow.

Kite Fishing Rods

It is a specialized rod for the angling technique of the same name. This style allows you to cast your lures effectively over long distances. It does not cause noise that could scare fish away. With these rods, you can fish both close to the surface of a body of water and at depth.

These rods are usually highly stiff and robust, as they need to cope with strong winds and provide a high level of control over the fishing line. They are short in length: 4 to 6 feet. They are convenient to use when fishing from a boat.

Kite Fishing Rod
Deep Drop Rod

Deep Drop Rods

These are sturdy and powerful models that can withstand heavy loads and weight. They are used to catch deep water and big fish. The lures can easily be lowered to depths of 300-3000 feet. They are effective in strong underwater currents. Difficult bottom topography will not be a problem either. 

You can use them to catch a deep-sea shark, grouper, and fangtooth. They can hold fish weighing 44 pounds or more. Electric fishing reels work well with these models.

What types of fishing rods can you buy?

In our fishing gear shop, you can choose from all popular varieties of rods.

Before buying, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of terrain will I be hunting in?
  • What kind of fish do I want to catch?
  • What style of fishing suits me best?

Models regardless of the chosen type are presented in different price categories. But all of them are characterized by high quality materials and durability. Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with all the technical characteristics, and then the success of angling will be guaranteed.

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